Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Man, getting to that day was a lot of work. By everyone pictured and some not.

Today has been quite the day. I had to run to 3 different professional beauty stores to get color and product for my clients tomorrow. Now I have 2 hours before I need to get to YW's for our "Back to School" activity, where I will teach the girls some fast hairstyles and beauty tips. Then 8:30-11 I'll be working at Gap. Once in a while I get overwhelmed but most of the time I love being busy and productive. I think it's because I've had it the other way.

I am so thankful for my parents for helping me through hair school. It has changed my life. I am thankful for the freedom and opportunity to stretch myself. I am so grateful for a husband who supports our family financially. I remember talking to someone about having their daughter in law work at Gap at nights, to get out of the house and to have some spending money. They replied " I don't think her husband would let her work that late." I am pretty sure my jaw had to be lifted off the ground. 
I remember getting in the car being so grateful to my husband who supports me in all I do. Also to my mom and dad who are the epitome of teamwork. 
I've watched too many people fill their life with "busy" activities. 
Today, I hope the short time I spend away from my family makes a difference in my workplace and in someones life. I never expected to gain such great friendships with my clients and that makes it all the better.