Monday, December 1, 2008

To each their own....

For the past week I have been traveling back and forth
to Orlando. Pssstt....Salt Lake and Denver are the worst airports.
I didn't realize how much I loved Orlando/Winter Park until
I came back for a day (twice.)
I miss a lot of things about it. Mostly how much
time Isaac and I had to bond. From 6 months until
he was a few months shy of 3, it was just us.
Some of the things I miss..

Saylor Sophie and her mom and dad.

The feel of the south.

Feeding the ducks with Isaac at Lake Lily.

Chick-fil-A restaurants.
None of this mall food court business.

Things I could do without in Utah.....


Loud kids in movies.



Listening to my newlywed clients
who can't afford rent or let alone the hair color I am giving them
but all the mean while they are wearing $200 jeans.
I shouldn't complain about listening to them because they tip well. :)

But that's the least of my worries.
I'm just focusing on making it through the winter without freezing.


Heather Lee said...

HAHA!!! listening to your newlywed clients that can't afford their rent or hair dye but for sure have those 'cute' crowns on their bums.
Good running into you and George the other day. I hope you got a few movies in sans loud kids=)

Lindsay said...

Florida is a great place! I love visiting Utah, but I always love coming pack to sunny Fl.