Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 4th, St. George and Isaac's summer visit...

These pictures are so out of order. But Isaac and I spent some
quality time together before he left for the summer at his dad's.
We also went to George's parents home in St. George for the fourth.
Talk about HOT WEATHER!! Isaac had a blast playing
with the other kids.
I also celebrated my birthday Friday and Saturday.
I am trying to be better at taking pictures
but most of these are
from my phone.

Pool time just mommy and Isaac.

George gave me a flight to NYC.
I told him that I would rather him trade the flight
in for himself and just join me in Nov. for my trip to Orlando.

Such a creative card! Get it? "Big Apple"

Driving to St. George ..I thought the portable DVD player
was broken so he watched shows on my phone. Ends up the
DVD player worked just fine. Poor guy..such a small screen!
Kelli was in town with her boyfriend Scott.
I love her more then she knows. I am
so lucky to have a best friend like her.
Isaac LOVED In & Out.

I miss him so much. Last summer visit was really hard but not as hard

as this summer has been. It's only been one week and I am missing him like crazy.



Jocelyn said...

I feel so much older than you ;) I turned 25 in November. I am already close to being 26...not fair.
Cute pictures!

Jocelyn said...

That's funny... I was just telling that to Cassie yesterday while we were at the pool... my main purpose of going to the pool {USE} to be all about working on my tan and laying out. Now I am lucky if I get to sit down for 10 minutes while the kids eat a snack. But you are right, at least it knocks them out on the way home ;)

Albright's said...

K those are such great pic's!! You guys look like you had so much fun!! B goes to school up here in Salt Lake where we live, well he will not start kindergarten till next year. So lets get together and go to the zoo or play at the gateway, when does he get home? I think I still have your number. Or email it to me rachael_21_beck@yahoo.com

NoellePratt said...

Happy late birthday. What a great guy to surprise you will a trip. Your little boy is such a cutie. I am sure it is really hard to be away from him while he is at his dads house. At least you were able to have some fun before he left.

Stefanie said...

Happy Bday! You two are the cutest couple! Sorry little Isaac is gone :( That's rough. (Have you taken your written test yet??)