Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I've been getting a lot of requests
for eyelash extensions lately.
Which made me wonder.
Is Utah really that far behind?
I certified with
Permanent Cosmetics in 2004 to do
lash extensions...and I feel like in the last year people
are starting to do them more often.
Anyways for those who don't want them, these two
things are what I would ask for on a deserted island.

Pretty sure the makeup Gods handcrafted this one.

Thank You DIOR!!!


Heather Lee said...

sign me up. For lash extentions. Maybe we can weave a few black ones in to steve's eyelash?? haha

Kurt and Jordan said...

Oh my heck your comment made me laugh so hard!!! I have to keep up the candy jars because that's the only way I get little nieces or nephews over!!! And actually it's good for me, I stare at it all day long and it makes me never want to eat it, weird I know!!! We NEVER had candy at home growing up, so I used to eat so much whenever I went anywhere, so if you put it in front of your face all day you just don't ever eat it!!! Anyone with a candy problem should try it;)

s.s parker said...

do me do me! what about aquaphor?!:)