Monday, April 25, 2011


My two handsome men, with the sun

in their eyes.

Angry Birds on Easter, why not?

*For the record I took no less than 15 pictures, but these boys would not look at the camera.

Easter egg hunt at Thanksgiving Point.

I have known Brandston's mom for 15 years.
I am glad she lives so close now.
It's like nothing has changed. I am thankful
for our friendship. We both hope these two little
county boys will remain lifelong friends.

I couldn't resist. I just love Chik-fa-la!

The Easter Egg hunt was SO crowded.

Rachael and I were getting so annoyed with all the pushy parents.

So we left and went to Jump On It.

We both agreed that we would end up

in a bad mood if we had to stay at Thanksgiving Point any longer.

Bad mood mom's? Bad mood kids.

No beuno.

Homeade Kneaders french toast.

Isaac's not the biggest eater. But he downed this meal.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter this year.

Leaving for California in 2 weeks!

1 comment:

Brandtsonandrach said...

Oh my gosh betty crocker I want some of that french toast... The easter egg hunt was a nightmare. But we had a good time. Those country boys I just want to kiss them always, they are so cute