Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Today is one of those days where I am

growing REALLY restless.

For the first time in my life I feel like

I NEED a vacation. I don't want a vacation,


I quite possibly could go postal any second.

I want to explore. See new faces. Meet new people.

Dress up. Dress down.

Okay. I'm going back to work now.


Brandtsonandrach said...

Ha Ha, I love that because that was not part of our chit chat today. Must be that I could not stop talking about that hot man... Well I hope that you get a vacation but it certainly will not be this weekend..

Kristin Rose Davis said...

I'll go on another one with you!

Chelsea + Brandon said...

Ok. Let's go together!!! I love new places!

Brandtsonandrach said...

Update your blog damn it...