Friday, July 27, 2012

Mom Fail

Mom fail? 
Is it?

I've been thinking a lot about parenting lately and the judgement that comes a long with it.
I remember being pregnant with Isaac and how much pressure there was on me to be the perfect carrier of this un born child. Well...If anyone was keeping score, I failed. 
60+ pounds gained, didn't exercise, my diet consisted of Oreo's and IBC root beer (the root beer burn helped with the heartburn) and Taco Bell at least 4 times a week. But somehow this perfect little human being had a beautiful and perfectly healthy entrance into this world. I stopped reading parenting books and listening to the daily advice I got from people I knew and people I didn't know. I received a breast pump at my baby shower. It wasn't until recently I realized that the choice to breast feed was made for me by those around me. The first two weeks of Isaac's life were beautiful at times but for the most part a living hell. The little bugger just had the hardest time nursing. Now that I am on round two I wish I would have just given Isaac a bottle. I didn't know that I had that option. I was too worried about what others would say. 
But who are these others? These others are mothers themselves. 
When did mom's start being so judgemental of each other?
Aren't we all on the same team?
My second baby was so much easier. I decided I was going to take care of myself so I could take care of my new born baby and my family at home. I had a full support team on my side. According to any parenting "expert" I am a complete fail.
McKay has slept on his tummy since coming home from the hospital. He started on cereal at 5 months. I cut him off of nursing because I was ready to have a little more freedom. I went back to work when he was 3 weeks because I missed seeing the people I love working with. 
I couldn't be happier.
Happy mom = happy family.


The Shelby's said...

Thank you!! I couldn't agree more I get so much crap cuz I chose not to breastfeed but ya know I got to enjoy my baby and not have an extra stress of that. I removed the stress I could control and im SO happy I did! So you go girl! I LOVE it!

Unknown said...

This is great. I promised myself when I had Sadee to do what I felt was best for her because so many people in my life have struggled through motherhood. Sadee has been on a bottle since a week and a half after she was born because nursing was so emotional for me. An I have her cereal yesterday (at 2 months) just because I was curious to see how she would do. You are a great mom! And if you are considered a "mom fail" then I'm right there with you!

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